If you have difficulty deciding if your veins are blue or green, you likely have a neutral skin tone and can choose colors from both the cool and warm spectrum. Green veins mean you have a warm skin tone.
You have a cool skin tone if veins have a blue or purple tint. Look at the color of the veins on the inside of your wrist. Here are two quick tips to figure out if your sink tone is warm, neutral, or cool.ġ. These are color choices both for clothes and for makeup.īefore we give you the list of our pro-age lipsticks broken down into warm, neutral, and cool skin tones. Cool toned skin has a blue undertones and people with cool skin tones look best in pure white, grey, icy blue and pink, fucshia, navy, purple and cherry red. Warm toned skin has a yellow undertone, with warm skin tones you will look best in cream, brown, warm green, navy blue, coral pink, orange or scarlet. Most skin is either warm-toned or cool-toned, regardless of hair and eye color. But choosing the right color can make you look healthier, pretty and younger. Choosing the wrong color can make you look tired and unwell. Color is really important when choosing what make up to wear as a pro-age woman.